A conversation with Brenda Delgado --
Direct Link to Episode# 3 - https://www.whitespeakpodcast.com/podcast-1/episode/4b632ee8/growing-up-in-the-60s-and-marching-with-dr-king-a-conversation-with-brenda-delgado-ep-13
Before there was #resist, there was resist a 1960s movement. The turbulence and civil unrest of the 1960s was never just a protest. It was a movement, a civil movement demanding change. Today's hashtag resist does not exist without this previous movement, or without the sacrifice of those that came before us. What’s going on today represents the same broken political and judicial system from the 1960s—but told from the exact same yet different set of youth.
Like the 1960s, people today are fed up, they're hurting, the rich are getting richer while the middle class is evaporating-- the poor continue to get poorer. The good news is that people are mobilizing, standing up, marching--people have taken to the streets just like the 1960s. The effects of that very powerful and haunting time has transcended into today's modern culture –with the #Black Lives Matter movement -- The only thing that's changed is the calendar year—
The hotbed is back with a new set of youth – the same lens from the same exact American youth of the 1960s.
Brenda Delgado was one of those youth of the 60's, who grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, during the Civil Rights Movement and was activated at a very young age, marching with civil rights leaders including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
She speaks with Cayman about what that experience was like and how it compares to today--and what Martin Luther King, Jr. himself may think of what’s happening here in America 52 years later.
We are honored and thrilled to have Ms. Delgado on White Speak.
Below are photos from the march that Brenda took part in on March 28th, 1968. One week later, Dr. King was assassinated.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, right, lead a march on behalf of striking Memphis sanitation workers March 28, 1968. The dignity of the march soon gave way to disorder as a group of about 200 youths began breaking windows and looting. King agonized over what had happened. Within a week, King was dead, killed by an assassin's bullet at Memphis' Lorraine Motel. AP
A police officer uses his nightstick on a youth reportedly involved in the looting that followed the breakup of a march led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. March 28, 1968, in Memphis, Tenn. Black leaders accused the police of brutality while police officers said they did what was necessary to restore order. In the wake of the violence, a curfew was imposed and more than 3,800 National Guardsmen were rushed to the city. A week later, King was assassinated at Memphis' Lorraine Motel.
Martin Luther King Jr. is seen on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn., on April 3, 1968, the day before he was assassinated there. From left are, Hosea Williams, Jesse Jackson, King, and Ralph Abernathy. AP
BRENDA DELGADO, Founder and Owner of Delgado Media Services enjoys a stellar reputation in the broadcast industry. For over 30 years she has created, developed and implemented successful media campaigns for local, regional and national businesses. In addition to media consulting, Brenda has served as national, regional and local sales manager for CBN, Susquehanna, Clear Channel and Salem Media Group. Prior to opening DMS, she was Local Sales Manager for 15 years at 94FM THE FISH and later served as Senior Marketing Consultant where she mastered the art and science of faith based media. After retiring from 94FM THE FISH and with encouragement from influencers and leaders who consistently insisted that she should continue sharing and utilizing her vast knowledge, Brenda opened DMS to assist corporations and non-profits in establishing growth, by teaching them how to capture the hearts and minds of the most powerful group in Middle Tennessee – The Faith Based Community